Discover Barbuda - pristine beaches, vibrant marine life, and tranquil anchorages. Perfect for boaters and nature lovers seeking off-the-beaten-path adventure.

Barbuda, Antigua and Barbuda

Discover Barbuda - pristine beaches, vibrant marine life, and tranquil anchorages. Perfect for boaters and nature lovers seeking off-the-beaten-path adventure.

Matt and Britney Weidert

Matt Weidert

Barbuda is a low-lying island with its highest point only 125 feet above sea level. Covering nearly half the size of Antigua, it is home to around 1,600 inhabitants, most of whom live in the village of Codrington. Despite its modest population, Barbuda offers a wealth of natural beauty and activities, especially for boaters.
Beach at Barbuda

Where is Barbuda located?

Barbuda is located approximately 28 miles north of Antigua in the Eastern Caribbean. The island is part of the nation of Antigua and Barbuda.

Boating and Anchoring in Barbuda

Barbuda's coastline is dotted with numerous anchorage spots, each offering a unique experience for sailors. Here are some notable locations:
  • Coral Group Bay: This anchorage provides ample space and great holding in sandy bottoms. It's essential to navigate carefully through the reef, preferably with the sun high overhead or using GPS coordinates from the Doyle guide. Nearby, Uncle Roddy's offers excellent local Caribbean cuisine. Discover more of Coral Group Bay.
  • Spanish Point: Known for its beautiful reefs and crystal-clear waters, Spanish Point offers excellent snorkeling and a tranquil anchorage. The beach here is a mix of sand and rock, ideal for leisurely walks. Discover more of Spanish Point.
  • Cocoa Point: This area is famous for its stunning white sand beaches and vibrant marine life. Enoch’s Shack-a-Kai beach bar is a highlight, offering freshly barbecued lobster right on the beach. Discover more of Cocoa Point.
  • Codrington Lagoon National Park: Home to the largest frigatebird colony in the Caribbean, this park is accessible only via guided tours. The lagoon's mangroves and shallow waters host a variety of marine life. Discover more of Codrington Lagoon National Park.
Coral Group Bay, Barbuda

What to do at Barbuda

  • Frigatebird Sanctuary: This sanctuary is a must-visit for bird watchers, especially during the mating season from September to April. The guided tours provide close encounters with these magnificent birds.
  • Princess Diana Beach: Formerly known as Coco Point Beach, this sublime beach is known for its pink sand and crystal-clear waters.
  • Two Foot Bay: Located northeast of Codrington, this area features unique caves and the only known petroglyphs in Antigua and Barbuda.
  • Darby Sink Hole: This natural wonder is a large vertical sinkhole resembling a mini rainforest, complete with palms, ferns, and lianas.
  • Martello Tower: A historic fort on the southwestern side of the island, providing a glimpse into Barbuda’s past.
Barbuda Sunset

Personal Experience

During our yacht charter in Barbuda, we visited several of these locations. Anchoring at Spanish Point, we enjoyed the serene environment and excellent snorkeling opportunities. At Coral Group Bay, we followed the Doyle guide's GPS coordinates and successfully navigated through the reef, enjoying a fantastic meal at Uncle Roddy's.


Barbuda offers a unique blend of pristine nature, rich history, and tranquil anchorages. From the extensive frigatebird sanctuary to the serene beaches and vibrant coral reefs, there’s plenty for boaters and nature enthusiasts to explore. For more detailed trip planning, refer to our Antigua Bareboat Charter Trip Report.

Antigua and Barbuda charter planning?

Consider booking with the Yacht Warriors.