Discover Round Rock, BVI: Uninhabited island with excellent diving spots and unique rock formations. Ideal for experienced divers.

Round Rock, British Virgin Islands

Discover Round Rock, BVI: Uninhabited island with excellent diving spots and unique rock formations. Ideal for experienced divers.

Matt and Britney Weidert

Matt Weidert

Round Rock is a small, uninhabited island situated south of Virgin Gorda and west of Ginger Island in the British Virgin Islands. While it may not be a primary destination, it holds interest for certain visitors, particularly those looking for unique diving experiences.

Diving at Round Rock

Round Rock offers excellent diving opportunities featuring underwater rock formations and diverse marine life. The dive sites around the island are known for their clear waters, making it an interesting spot for experienced divers.

Round Drift

A dive on the east side, should only be attempted in settled conditions since it's exposed to the trade winds. It is a deep drift dive suitable for advanced divers. The primary attraction is the abundance of different types of fish, many in schools.

Grovel and Fly

This is another drift dive to the north of Round Rock, exposed to both current and tradewind driven swells. Again, it is recommended for advanced divers.

Navigation and Safety

Sailors passing through the area often use Round Rock as a navigational point, with the Round Rock Passage being an ideal location to pass to and from the Sir Francis Drake Channel. The waters around the island can be challenging, with strong currents and waves, so it is recommended for experienced sailors and divers.

While Round Rock may not offer the amenities and attractions of larger, inhabited islands, it is still an interesting spot for divers and experienced sailors exploring the British Virgin Islands.

British Virgin Islands charter planning?

Consider booking with the Yacht Warriors.