Visit Taputapuatea Marae, Raiatea, a UNESCO World Heritage site and ancient Polynesian religious center.

Taputapuatea Marae, Raiatea, Tahiti

Visit Taputapuatea Marae, Raiatea, a UNESCO World Heritage site and ancient Polynesian religious center.

Matt and Britney Weidert

Matt Weidert

Source: UNESCO Website

Taputapuatea Marae is one of the most significant cultural and historical sites in French Polynesia. Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, this ancient ceremonial center on Raiatea is a testament to the island’s rich Polynesian heritage. Visiting Taputapuatea Marae offers a profound insight into the spiritual and cultural traditions of the Polynesian people.

Where is Taputapuatea Marae Located?

Taputapuatea Marae is located on the southeastern coast of Raiatea, in the district of Taputapuatea. It overlooks the lagoon and the island of Taha’a, providing a scenic and historically rich setting.

Anchoring and Accessing Taputapuatea Marae

To visit Taputapuatea Marae, sailors can anchor nearby and access the site by dinghy or car. Here’s how you can approach it:
  1. Anchor in the Lagoon Near Taputapuatea: Anchor in the lagoon near the southeastern coast of Raiatea, ensuring you are in a designated anchoring area to protect the coral reefs and marine life.
  2. Use Your Dinghy or Arrange Land Transportation: From your anchorage, you can use your dinghy to reach the shore or arrange for land transportation from a nearby anchorage or marina.

Activities and Attractions at Taputapuatea Marae

Taputapuatea Marae offers a range of activities that provide a deep understanding of Polynesian culture and history:
  • Explore the Marae Complex: The Taputapuatea Marae complex consists of several stone structures, including platforms, courtyards, and altars. Take your time to explore these ancient structures and learn about their significance in Polynesian ceremonies and rituals.
  • Guided Tours: Consider taking a guided tour to gain deeper insights into the history and cultural importance of the marae. Local guides can provide fascinating stories and context about the site and its role in Polynesian society.
  • Cultural Interpretation Center: Visit the nearby cultural interpretation center to see exhibits and displays that further explain the history and significance of Taputapuatea Marae.
  • Scenic Views and Photography: The marae’s location offers stunning views of the lagoon and surrounding islands. It’s a great spot for photography and taking in the serene beauty of Raiatea.


Taputapuatea Marae on Raiatea is a must-visit destination for those interested in the cultural and historical heritage of French Polynesia. With its ancient structures, guided tours, and beautiful surroundings, the marae provides a profound and enriching experience. So, anchor nearby, visit this UNESCO World Heritage Site, and immerse yourself in the spiritual and cultural legacy of the Polynesian people.

You can visit the UNESCO World Heritage page about Taputapuatea Marae for more information.

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