Discover the Sea Aquarium on O'Briens Cay, Exumas. A snorkeling paradise with vibrant marine life, accessible from Cambridge Cay or Bell Island anchorage.

Sea Aquarium, Exuma Bahamas

Discover the Sea Aquarium on O'Briens Cay, Exumas. A snorkeling paradise with vibrant marine life, accessible from Cambridge Cay or Bell Island anchorage.

Matt and Britney Weidert

Matt Weidert

The Sea Aquarium, located on the northwest side of O'Briens Cay in the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park, is one of the most popular snorkeling spots in the Exumas. Accessible by dinghy from the Cambridge Cay mooring field or the Bell Island anchorage, this vibrant underwater world is a must-visit for any sailing or snorkeling enthusiast.

Getting to the Sea Aquarium

To reach the Sea Aquarium, you can take a short dinghy ride from either the Cambridge Cay mooring field or the anchorage at Bell Island. The clear, shallow waters make navigation relatively straightforward, but always keep an eye out for coral heads to avoid any damage to your boat or the fragile marine environment.

Snorkeling at the Sea Aquarium

The main attraction of the Sea Aquarium is, of course, the snorkeling. The area is teeming with a diverse range of fish and other marine species. Here’s a glimpse of what you might see:
  • Sergeant Majors: These small, vibrant fish are known for their black stripes and yellow bodies.
  • Blue Tangs: Easily recognizable by their bright blue color and oval bodies.
  • Parrotfish: Known for their beak-like mouths and vivid colors.
  • Angelfish: These striking fish come in various colors and patterns.
  • Wrasse: Often spotted darting around the coral heads.
The coral formations here are equally impressive, providing a colorful backdrop to the swarms of fish. The abundance of marine life makes it feel like swimming in a tropical fish tank.

Tips for Visiting the Sea Aquarium

  • Best Time to Snorkel: The best time to snorkel is during slack tide when the currents are minimal. This will give you the clearest view and make for a more enjoyable experience.
  • Safety: Always snorkel with a buddy and make sure you have a dive flag to alert other boaters of your presence.
  • Conservation: The Sea Aquarium is within the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park, which is a no-take zone. Ensure you respect the park rules by not touching or taking anything from the water.
For additional insights and tips on other great snorkeling spots in the Exumas, you might find our Top Exuma Anchorages to Drop the Hook helpful.


The Sea Aquarium near O'Briens Cay is a must-visit destination for anyone exploring the Exuma Cays. Its vibrant marine life and stunning coral formations offer an unforgettable snorkeling experience. Whether you’re anchored at Bell Island or moored at Cambridge Cay, a short dinghy ride will take you to this underwater paradise.

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Consider booking with the Yacht Warriors.